the name i gave some years ago to a personal project concerning electro-acoustic music.

One of the songs “ELECTRIC CITY ECHO” i’m posting here today for 2 reasons: it’s a good example of the use and possibilities of LLOOPP/PPOOLL,

and it also will be part of a new project: ‘Carnet de Voyage’, but this time only hard ware [no computer/ software]. More info will follow soon.

LLOOPP/PPOOLL Tutorial Part 1

This is my one and only software tool!
I love it and I hate it, an everlasting affair.
I used it a lot, check the electric souvenir soundcloud page!


I use LLOOPP/PPOOLL [by Klaus Filip a.o.] together with GLEETCHLAB [by Giorgio Sancristoforo] and SOUNDHACK [by Tom Erbe]

If you found your way here, i assume you are in need of some info on how
to get this stuff working. That’s the reason i’m posting the tutorial.

Just some background info:

Even though I’m not using LLOOPP/PPOOLL a lot at the moment [ my orientation is analogue these days ] i must say that using this software will bring you a lot, it’s a box full of surprises, new sounds, new ideas. If it was only for this purpose [to open yourself up for new musical insights] that would be enough reason to give it a try, give it time and enjoy. It will be very rewarding.


today I’m posting 2 compositions: ‘met zachte beweging’ [‘gentle- movement’] dedicated to composer Jürg Frey, from whom i learned so much through his music, writings and lecturing in the last 5, 6 years, and ‘ I have come home’ which i dedicate to photographer, filmmaker Robert Frank, who showed me the acceptance of beauty no matter how beauty wishes to show herself,
or to put it in another way, the process of learning to accept.

Listening to your iPhone or other small devices without headphones will decrease your listening experience.
A lot of the music is soft, in terms of loudness. This is an essential part of the music.

In this fragment of a recent rehearsal you can get an impression of a circular movement working.
Sijme Storm ensemble:
André Hogeslag: Electric guitar, Freeze [E.G.O.] and E-bow
Luuk de Weert: Bowed Vibraphone
Ferry van der Werff: Electric guitar, Freeze [E.G.O.] and E-bow

This composition is part of ‘EDITIE 2018/2019’ / 11 Studies for the EHX Freeze

André Hogeslag: electric guitar, freeze [E.G.O.} and E-bow

This composition is part of a ‘Collection of Sketches for Solo Guitar and EHX Freeze’

‘only a fragment carries the mark of authenticity’ [Bertold Brecht]

As of today i’ll be posting recordings from my archives. New songs or plain old songs, or just simple fragments that I recorded over time, are posted here. Some guitar, some Tascam Portastudio, some acoustic piano.
Mostly solo efforts, but also with my musical brother Luuk de Weert and
various guests and friends and even a band. Instant collage, electric chamber-music, improvisation, songs , instrumentals, r&b, gospel, chanson-electronique
From Fi to Lo-Fi to No-Fi ….

all music and lyrics by Andre Hogeslag except where noted otherwise

Today’s release contains 2 songs


Recorded by the Bopshop. Ferry van der Werff: Wurlitzer e.piano and Hammond organ; Luuk de Weert: drums; Mischa Boeren: double bass; Andre Hogeslag: el. guitar and vocals.

Arranged by the Bopshop and recorded by Harold Jalving.

Instrumental from my car radio, sending a signal to the stars!

JLG Designer of Meditations

A lot of the music is soft, in terms of loudness. This is an essential part of the music.

2Track of treated voice [FG] and organ [BG]
‘le Petit Soldat’ [Jean-Luc Godard] & Bach Choral

[use headphone for detailed listening]

Silence Sequence:
‘i’m trying to hold onto my own thoughts.
What about words? Where do our words come from?
Maybe men talk incessantly, as if searching for gold..
in their quest for the truth.But instead of digging in riverbeds,
they dig deep in their thoughts. They cast aside all the worthless words.
And they end up with just one. One single golden word…silence.’
[Jean-Luc Godard ‘le Petit Soldat’]

Most people specialise in one thing, and sometimes become a genius specialist. Designing cars, writing books, making money, making films, making war, philosophise, designing chairs, making peace, composing, the list is as long as there are people specialising in one thing.

Some people specialise in 2 or 3 things, sometimes completely different things, sometimes combinations.

JLG concentrates on different design tools that will fit his meditations at hand. This is the JLG that came into my life while being a teenager. And all along he’s been giving me tools to improve myself.

What has this to do with FILM? Is JLG a filmmaker? I say, he is a designer of MEDITATIONS. But JLG has something to offer for all of us. He is a homo universalis!

sound meditation on ‘Alphaville’ [ Jean Luc Godard ]
electric guitar & Max/PPOOLL

This meditation-maker will take you on an endless tour, showing you editing, graphic design, the art of color, sound-art, collage, politics, history, the art of motion design, films for the ear, trailers, ….
His meditations are confronting, puzzling, provoking improvisations, sometimes in the form of a movie or a documentary or a mix of both, but mostly they are essays using son+image.

Through the years I’m making my conversations with JLG, there’s always a moment in time where I feel inspired to give him some credit. Like a title! So when I was composing some music for electric guitar and the EHX FREEZE, I knew that one of them would be a ‘salut’ and indeed ‘ à Godard ‘ turned out to be the one.

simple testrecording with an old iPhone
electric guitar & EHX Freeze

‘ à Godard ‘ = Part of a collection of Solo Pieces for Electric Guitar and EHX Freeze